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(001) 2014.11.10 【森华集团】邵瀚萱的事业思路:两个理论,一个是平台理论。教师讲课要有讲台,演员展示要有舞台,列车停靠要有站台,企业走出去闯世界,也要有发展平台。 邵瀚萱的森华集团就是这样的一个平台。在这个平台上,无论国企民企还是外企,都可以交汇在一起;无论英方美方还是俄方,都可以是合作一方。再一个是共赢理 论。在邵瀚萱的森华平台上,不是你输我赢而是你我都赢;不是有输有赢而是大家都赢。各个合作方之间,你以我为背景打造风景,我以他为靠山创造江山,他以你 为人脉拓展金脉,大家互通互通互助,互利互赢。
(001) 2014.11.10 【Sam Wa Group】 The backbone of Stella Shiu’s business inspiration is the two theories. The Platform Theory stresses the need for a growth platform for Chinese businesses, in the same way as a teacher needs a lectern, a performer needs a stage and a train needs a railway platform. The Sam Wa Group founded by Stella Shiu performs this exact role. This platform aims to bring together the state-owned companies, private companies and foreign companies; the UK, the US and Russia. The other theory is the Win-Win Theory. The Sam Wa platform makes everyone the winner and no one to lose. Everyone contributes as everyone benefits; companies join hands and create value for one another.
(002) 2014.11.10 【森华集团】邵瀚萱的事业思路:一个目标,帮助中国的一些企业“走出去”。走出去,是中国的改革开放实践发展到今天的必然结果,是中国的“引进来”政策的 必然要求,是中国的企业继续发展的必然选择。改革开放之初,我们主要是把门打开,让外国的资金进来,设备进来,人员进来。而我们的人才,设备和资金要出 去,还存在底气不够的问题。但现在我们的实力增强了,技术提高了,人才增多了。我们有这个实力大步走出去了。如果说过去我们不把国门打开,中国企业的发展 是“死路一条”。那么今天如果不积极的走出去,对于不少的企业来说,也是“一条死路”。
(002) 2014.11.10 【Sam Wa Group】 The backbone of Stella Shiu’s business inspiration is the one goal; to help Chinese companies expand overseas. Expanding overseas is an inevitable outcome of the Chinese Economic Reform, a necessary requirement of the “Invite-In” Policy, and a natural choice for the sustainable development of Chinese companies. “Inviting In” have been the focus of the Reform since its outset, but the world is changing. The combination of a stronger economy, improved technologies and an increasing number of talents has established a foundation for the expansion. Failure to expand overseas would lead to a deadlock for Chinese companies’ development.
(003) 2014.11.10 【森华集团】邵瀚萱的事业思路:三条原则,一条是用全球眼光谋事业。全球的眼光就是“地球一村”,“天下一家”的眼光。天下的体育运动员可以走到一起,文 艺家可以走到一起,企业家也可以走到一起。同时,这个地球不但是一体的,是整体的,也是转动的,是每天都在发展变化的。这是我们办企业的人必须具备的眼 光。第二条是用国际的标准创事业。国际的标准就是国际的通则,国际的法则,国际的规则。蕴含在里面的是千百年来各国商家企业共同创造的信誉观念,质量意识 和契约精神等等。第三条是用本土的文化干事业。本土的文化就是本地的特色。我们在中国干事业就要弘扬中国的传统文化,比如儒家的责任意识,道家的顺其自然 和佛家的积德行善。等等。
(003)  2014.11.10 【Sam Wa Group】 The backbone of Stella Shiu’s business inspiration is the three principles. The first principle is “to conceive concepts with a global vision”. Having a global vision means recognising the world as one big family and being aware of international opportunities. This applies to athletes and artists, but also to businesspeople. The world is changing every day as the Earth never ceases to spin. Entrepreneurs must have a global vision. The second principle is “to create businesses that meet international standards and conform to international rules”. These include building business credibility, creating quality awareness and respecting contractual obligations. The third principle is “to integrate cultural ethics into business”. Our businesses are rooted in the traditional Chinese culture. Whilst we do business, we are to promote such cultural legacies as the Theory of Responsibility Awareness in Confucianism, the Detachment Philosophy in Taoism and the Principle of Causality in Buddhism.